Introducing the new Morph Fitness Camp!

I'm very excited to announce that starting Saturday, August 1st 2015, I will be starting the Morph Fitness Camp which is free and open to the public. The camp will be held every Saturday morning through November from 6:30-7:30 AM at the Free State High School football stadium. Each class will include stretching, calisthenics, strength exercises, and lots of cardio. For news and updates on the Morph Fitness Camp follow the Morph Training website, Facebook, or Instagram page. Please help me spread the word so we can work on making a healthier Lawrence community!

Welcome Current and Future Clients!

Welcome everyone to the new Morph Training web site. This site is the gateway to transforming your life and creating a better you. Keep tuned in for upcoming events and special announcements and contact me with any questions so we can get started right away!

Morph and Transform Your Life!

The greatest ability that we as human beings posses is our capacity to change...physically, emotionally, and intellectually. It's important to identify the qualities in which you excel, but what is more important is to identify and focus on improving the qualities in which you lack. Create a better YOU. Morph and transform your life!